Sunny Leone-II? Porn debutante doing adult films to fund college education is half Indian

Written By Unknown on Rabu, 12 Maret 2014 | 22.14

WASHINGTON: Sunny Leone has company. The Duke University undergraduate who entered the porn industry ostensibly to meet the high cost of her college education and has caused a minor storm in America turns out to be — like the Canadian-Punjabi-Indian Leone — of part Indian-parentage. Her father is an American physician who has just returned from serving as an army doctor in Afghanistan; her mother is from India.

The names of the student porn-debutante, and that of her family members, and their address and hometown, has been out in public domain for weeks; The Times of India will not join in identifying them because of privacy and safety concerns. But media reports speak of the heartbreak and trauma in the family after the father, a devout catholic, returned from Afghanistan recently to find his daughter had made headlines for all the wrong reasons.

"This is a tragedy in the family. The father is one of the best human beings I've ever met. He is just back from Afghanistan; he served his country, how awesome is that? He's so proud of his daughter; there's no way they could have known this was going on," a family member was quoted as saying on MailOnline.

However, the website also reported that the family was not going to abandon the youngest daughter, whose two older college going siblings are also said to be devastated. "I'm sure the family is going to rally round and love her. She did wrong by the family but they are still going to love her. They're heartbroken, but it's not irreparable. Nothing is irreparable when it comes to the family and their love for each other," the close relative of the family said.

In media interviews, including an appearance on CNN's Piers Morgan show, the young woman, whose porn identity is " Belle Knox" or "Lauren," has given some insight into the circumstances that propelled her into the $15 billion US adult film industry, where actors earn upwards of $1000 per session. While she initially claimed that she was forced to enter the porn world because her parents cut off her education funds, it turns out the situation is more complex, and her decision was based partly on her own sense of sexual repression, and later, sexual liberation.

The parents certainly gave all three children a good school education, sending them to an expensive prep school where tuition fee is about $11,000 a year. The youngest daughter was a straight A student. But as they entered college, the costs got out of hand for their reasonably well-off parents, even with the physician father earning at least $200,000 per year. The eldest son's $40,000 a year music degree was mostly bankrolled by the parents, who didn't want the children to be burdened by student financial debt that is endemic in the US They were also paying for the education of the two younger daughters

Somewhere along the way, it all got too much for them, probably when they bought a house for $477,730, with mortgage on $460,607. "I have siblings in college, who are being supported by my parents, and my parents are paying $1,000 a month just for their own student loans and my dad graduated 20 years ago," Belle Knox/Lauren explained in an interview to the website "One of my parents is recently unemployed. I was offered $13,000 in financial aid. That wasn't enough — that's $47,000 still unaccounted for."

That's when, she said, she decided to go into adult films, particularly since she enjoyed sex and had no animus against the industry.

Her rant against the current college education finance system expressed on Realcleareducation is as follows: "People have this perception that if you cannot pay for college, financial aid will take care of you, and that perception is wrong. If you are very low income, you can get a full ride to Duke, no problem. If you are middle or upper-middle class, you will get screwed in the process. So many middle class students have not gotten sufficient financial aid because on paper, their families look like they have money. Just because I'm not poor doesn't mean I can afford $60,000 a year for college. Other students from middle and upper-middle class families have said the same thing."

"When you look at the state of education in America, middle class students are left out, even harmed, by the financial aid process, not helped by it. Financial aid offices should look at their policies and how they help their students. I wasn't offered any government loans — my only other option was private loans at 12 per cent interest rates and I knew that by the time I graduated college, I'd have hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt."

"I have seen other members of my family graduate college decades ago still dealing with debt now and I knew it'd give me less mobility. It would also hurt me if I needed to get something like a credit card — hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt is not something I want to carry around and it's absolutely ridiculous that that's what the state of our nation is, that that's an expectation."

"I have a friend who comes from a low-income family and pays $500 a year for Duke, and when I talk to him about my problems with financial aid, he doesn't understand. It's such a problem to be caught in the middle with financial aid, and people just don't understand. I think it's very poignant that nowadays if you're middle class, the only way to pay for college is to take out hundreds of thousands of dollars in loans. We need to provide a better financial future for our students. I shouldn't have to go broke, I shouldn't have to go into debt at 18 years old to pay for an education."

"If Duke had given me sufficient financial aid, if they had given me the proper resources and made college affordable for my family, I would not have done porn. I would've just gotten through college and been fine. The financial burden that Duke put on me was absolutely enormous and insurmountable with the resources that I had."

On why she didn't do what most students do — service jobs: "Go to the mall and talk to somebody who works at a hot dog stand and ask them about their job. They go to work at 9am, work until 6pm, maybe get two five-minute breaks in the day, make $6.25 an hour before taxes, and they're on their feet all day. They're working in conditions that are physically and mentally draining. So they're making maybe $100 a day before taxes for doing 9 hours of hard physical work. You look at that and look at what I'm doing, making $1,000 for two hours doing what I really love doing, which for me is not degrading and is something I feel safe in, you tell me which industry is demeaning?"

"People say the porn industry is demeaning, but being in a service industry is degrading in and of itself. You're basically being stepped on. Any job I would've gotten as a minimum wage worker would've been exploitative, degrading to me, and not provided the money I needed to make, which was $4,000 month. So why would I work 80 hours a week, struggle with school, barely get any sleep and be treated like a second class citizen, when I can do porn for 14 hours a day , make thousands, set my own hours, and have a ton of fun doing it?"

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Sunny Leone-II? Porn debutante doing adult films to fund college education is half Indian

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